Hye Mee

Procedencia: I was born in South Korea, lived in Seoul till I was fifteen, and then came to America.
En la tierra desde…January 12th.
En PGH desde…I moved to Pittsburgh in March 2005 and plan to remain in this charming city for another couple of years.
Ahora en…I live at the edge of Shadyside, right next door to Maria’s apartment.
Por qué viniste a Pittsburgh: I came to Pittsburgh because my boss moved our lab to the University of Pittsburgh. I work at UPMC now with Maria. I also take classes at the Pittsburgh Filmmakers from time to time. I love movies!
I would like to thank Maria. She is a lovely person, and I am really happy that she came into my life. She is the bridge that connects me to the Patanegra where I have found many more great friends. I am eternally indebted to Maria for this.
When I am with Americans, I feel like I am a Korean who do not quite belong; when I am with Koreans, I feel like an American; When I am with the Patanegra, I simply feel like I am among friends. So, I thank you all for welcoming me into the Patanegra. You are a great bunch!

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